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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why to NOT Care About What People Think!!!
     Writing my previous post made me ponder what to write next, and I've had a few people talk to me who have given me some great ideas. I thought to myself what better to write about following my last post than "why to NOT care about what people think".

     I know from my own experiences that when you care about what other people think you are not yourself. Once you break free of that "trend" you will start to be yourself and people will actually like you for WHO you are rather than for WHAT you do. The thing that made me come to this conclusion is actually a very blunt realization. I saw an article written in a paper once that said when you die the number of people that go to your funeral depends on the weather. Now this got me to start thinking. I dug deeper and the numbers are 50% of the people you know, typically, go to your funeral. Of those that do go there are a few that cry. Of those that go to the funeral, if its raining 75% of those people do not go to the burial. SOOOO. I was thinking "If people who I know don't care about me enough to go to my funeral depending on the RAIN, then why should I care, throughout my life, what other people think of me?"

     I use this as an example in saying, YOU only live once, so live life to the fullest. I can guarantee there will be people that don't like you, but remember this, the more people who hate you means there will be more people who will love you. EVERYONE has people who think bad about them. Look at Mother Teresa, she is loved by millions but I guarantee there were thousands or more who hated her and she was a SAINT. But do you think she could have done all the great things she did if she cared about what people thought about her? I don't think so. I can go on and on with people who have many haters but many more people who love them. For example; Michael Jordan, Gandhi, JESUS, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etc. I can guarantee ALL of these people and more DO NOT care about what people think. That is one key factor that made them the great leaders that you know them as today.

     Just know to BE YOU and you can't go wrong. Don't try to change who YOU are for someone to make them like you better because YOU won't be happy and eventually the person whom you are trying to "please" will find out and be done with you. SO. be you, Ill be me, and let them be them, love em hate em. Its your life live it how YOU WANT TO LIVE IT, not like how everyone else wants you to live it.

1. Stop being your own worst enemy. Be your own best friend

2. Don't put yourself down. Pull yourself up.

3. Don't permit others to define who you are. You cannot be a failure without your own consent
To Your Success,
Corey Otten


prjenni said...

corey!!! ii really admire the fact that you write about this, this is an important topic because everyone goes threw this.. this is a very good advice for people like i that actually put mind to people like that when i know i shouldnt. but its verry true what youre sayin :) well take care corey

Teri said...

Corey, These blogs are very well written and touch everyone and what they go through daily.

Anonymous said...

Corey, I honestly enjoy reading your blogs they are always well thought out and everything. Everyone in this world has haters and people who just don't like each other, you just got to brush them off and just keep on being yourself and they will see that it doesn't affect you. And that's true when you say don't change for someone, because it will only make the other person stronger and have an disadvantage on you.
