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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Giving Advice

Before I start on this topic I just want to say this is an opinionated post. These things I have done and they work well for me. You may or may not disagree with me but thats okay.

Now when you are giving someone advice the NUMBER ONE thing you need to do is.... Listen.
Steven Covey says it in his book 

 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

 "Seek First to UnderstandThen to Be Understood". When you do this it opens up a bond to the other person that will make them listen to you when it is your turn. They feel that since you listen to them they will listen to you.

You also need to relate to a person when giving them advice. If you don't relate they won't see you fit to actually tell them what would be best. You need to be able to understand where they are coming from so you can take them where you want them to go. You give them the advice when they are ready to hear it. When they tell you everything and are more receptive to listen to you.

You may ask "how do I know when they are ready"

My answer, you just know. There is something about talking to hundreds of people that you pick up over time. Give them the best answer. It may not always be what they want to hear but its better that way. 

When you do give someone advice they may or may not take it. But that is life. If they don't listen to you this time they probably won't listen to you next time unless something drastic has happened. Don't worry they will come around eventually. 

Know that giving advice is very rewarding when someone actually listens to you and it worked. The feeling you get from helping someone change their life or, even more simply, help them choose a new outfit, is incredible. The reward is much greater than the pain in most cases. Just do what you can listen then relate to the person, and the rest should be, as they say, HISTORY
To Your Success,
Corey Otten


Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

Jessica said...

I completely love this! It is so true! Thank you Corey. You are such an inspiration and I thank you for everything you do!

Michael said...

WOW. all I can say. I used this the other day and it WORKED! so many people were like o.O!! THANKS COREY!