I've had some experiences with people where they focus on EVERYTHING they don't like about a person. I find this to be a tad bit WRONG. In my eyes you should focus on the things you like most about a person. Also people may say "I can't find anything I like about that person." SO WHY GIVE THAT YOUR ENERGY. Its pointless to focus on something that is just going to make you mad.
You can use this for everything even: your job, friends, family, relationships, your car, or anything really. People always complain about the house they live in, the car they drive, the job they have, when really they need to have an attitude of gratitude for what they have. Same with people. Be thankful you have someone in your life that truly cares about you. With your car be thankful that it gets you back and forth to work. With your house be thankful you have a roof over your head. I don't care what the circumstances are. If you change your attitude to a positive mindset you will start to appreciate things for what they are a lot more.
For me this is something that is ALL OVER the place. People don't usually have a positive mindset about much let alone people but when you do believe me from my experience you will find friends easier, relationships easier, and you will even have a better life. Try it and if it doesn't work you aren't doing it properly. Bottom line is change the way you view things from "ugh I hate when he/she does this" to "You know what? when he/she does this it makes me feel wonderful." or "I hate my car, it's so old and rusty" to "I love the fact I can drive to work in MY vehicle everyday" or "my house is too small" to "I enjoy living in MY HOME, rather than some apartment or box on the street".
Believe me when I say this an attitude of gratitude for ANYTHING will make you a better person all around. You will be happier with people, your possessions, and your life. TRY IT, DO IT, and you WILL SUCCEED!!!
To Your Success,
Corey Otten
Live for today and love for your entire life. Not everything is going to be perfect but just enjoy what you have and don't focus on what you don't have/like. I love this Corey. <3 Keep it up.
We really do need to be more thankful, more often than just on thanksgiving. I also think we need to be more thankful that we are even alive.
but then night rolls around and it all starts making sense
there is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
and so I do what I do, and at least I exist
what could mean more than this?
what would mean more, mean more?
I couldn't agree with you more. It's so hard to look around and see WHAT you have, because it is so incredibly difficult to evaluate what you are a part of in a positive way. But you're right, if we get into the proper mindset...we can and WILL be happier. These aspects create who YOU are, and kudos to you for putting a positive vibe into the world. You, my dear friend, are incredible. <3
This has really helped with with a few problems. You know what I'm talking about! I love you!
"Trauma in your life can be a blessing"
It's true. Harsh but true. I guess.
And I can connect that easily to your article. Thats what I love about your articles. It's like you type the missing puzzle pieces to puzzles I work on in my head daily....
What is the word for people who dont realize what they have? Spoiled? Blind? Ignorant? There's a bunch of reasons.
Anyways, it took trauma in my life to appreciate what I had. I once used to complain and find reasons to be upset in stupid stuff like the fact that my car's paint job wasnt shiney enough, or the place I lived could be better even though it was a 3 bedroom house to myself. So much negativity....
Well today I have a blown engine in my car and live in a even smaller home with roommates.... and I couldnt be happier! Trauma in my life the past 2 years made me realize what it is I DO Have. Hopefully not everyone has to go through trauma to have the same realization. I'm not even the slightest upset about my engine, I have the Opportunity to fix it! And I am glad for that Opportunity! It's all reaction and attitude, that makes life easier or harder to live.
And so, your article is mainly about what you WANT, not what you HAVE, but I guess they go hand in hand.
yeah, i agree with you, don't get busy with what you hate, especially hang out with people you don't like.. just do what you like and don't think too much about what you hate.. i always do like that.. ignore what you hate! LOL
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