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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Insanity for Success?

Hello My Friends!

    I am going to write this today to tell you about my success journey. I have been at the peak of my game, as well as at the bottom of it. I'll start by telling you that, "Success is not the path of least resistance, but it is the path that needs persistence". I have done the right things, as well as the wrong things. I have starved myself to be able to "invest" one more dollar. I have built a business that paid me $5,000/month. I have been homeless. You name it, I've been in that situation. However, I am stuck on my path because I BELIEVE that what's possible IS possible for me.

     There are people who are called, "Dream Stealers"; your family, friends, neighbors, or even people who DON'T know you. They don't think you are incapable of being successful and they simply believe that you can't do it because of their OWN lack of success. Once you recognize this, you WILL do what you have to do as fast as you can so you can do what you want to do as long as you can.

     Basically you will get what you want as long as you don't quit. One of my millionaire mentors told me on Saturday that, "It's ok if you get derailed for a short period of time, as long as you don't stay derailed and get back on the tracks you will be ok". Now, this moved me because I find it to be an extremely true statement. In order to get what you want, you have to do something until you get it; NOT try something out to see if it will work, but to actually DO something UNTIL it works.

     Something that works for me, as someone once asked me, is "How long are you willing to do this until you get the results you want?"

  • My answer: I will UNTIL I get the results.
A good friend and I were talking about insanity and faith. This is kind of what we talked about.
     Now, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. However, you HAVE to be a little insane in order to get what you want. Like Jeff Olson says, "Master the Mundane". 
You have to also realize that there is a fine line between insanity and faith. I BELIEVE that by doing this activity, my life will change; I get better as I do it more. It's like basketball; every NBA player is "Insane" by definition because they played the game for YEARS expecting what? To get better. If they weren't a little insane and had enormous "faith", they wouldn't be where they are today. 

     I'll use another example: If you work your job and expect to move your way up the ladder and one day own the business, you are INSANE. Name someone who has done that..... 
BUT if you start your own business, whether it be traditional, network marketing, or any other kind of business, and you BELIEVE and have FAITH that you can do it since THOUSANDS of people have done it before you, that my friends is not insanity, but faith. If they can do it, YOU can do it. Where as in your job, you can't name 5 people who have started at the bottom and worked their way to the top and now have their name on the building. However, you can probably name dozens of people who have started their own business and now live the lives they choose to live. BELIEVE that you can and you will. Don't believe it? You might as well not try.

To OUR Success,
Corey Otten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Staying positive and being able to believe yourself will get you anywhere in life. Because if you can't believe in yourself you will keep wishing about that job you want or that opportunity that you should have taken.
